HOPE Partners

Mutual Liberation and Learning: An Innovative Partnership Between Education Students and Educators

HOPE Partners is a solution. We nurture long-term, mutually supportive relationships between emerging and established BIPOC teachers.

This model allows education students and teachers to learn and grow together as they transform educational systems and practices. Students widen their network, gain meaningful field experience, and prepare for student teaching by learning from a teacher who’s “been there”—all in the context of a caring community. Educators share experiences and insights, grow meaningful connections with students and professional peers, and help seed a new generation
of talented teachers.

Partners give each other HOPE.

90% of Michigan’s teachers are white.

83% of teachers in Southeast Michigan are white women.


How might teaching and learning be transformed—
and what would all students gain—if their school included BIPOC and historically underrepresented teachers?

Explore self and teacher identities.
Whose shoulders do you stand on?
What is your story?
What are your strengths and struggles?
What are your passions and values?
What kind of teacher do you want to be?

Grow cultural competencies.
How are we similar? How are we different?
How do we love and teach all of our students?

Encourage community-engaged teaching and learning.
How can we teach beyond the walls of the classroom?
What if our community is the textbook?
How can we teach with, and for, our communities?

Nurture transformative teaching.
How can we recognize and transform educational practices
and structures that are harmful? How do we center the
humanity of our students and teachers?

Meet the HOPE partners

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